29 October 2009


I'm at my Nan & Grandad's house at the moment and I am meant to be doing some university coursework however I could feel myself start to glaze over as soon as I began reading the journal articles so I decided to write to my blog instead.

One of the unit's I am studying this year is called "Managing Equality & Diversity".
The unit is meant to cover all the different things that can effect equal employment in the business world (such as age, race, gender, physical abilities etc).
The unit is meant to cover these things in depth and from a pretty neutral perspective, however it's hard to have a neutral opinion on this unit as it covers such controversial topics.
It also doesn't help that our lecturer/seminar tutor is such an absolute raging feminist! (amongst other things)

It seems that every week when we cover a new topic she finds some way to relate it back to her and how "because of society" she is disadvantaged in some way especially when it comes to her dyslexia.
EVERY week she brings up the fact that she's dyslexic and tells us all that it's amazing she's got so far with it blah blah blah, winge winge winge!
I must admit the first time she mentioned it I did think she had done well, but after hearing it SEVERAL more times I'm starting to think she might be a little bit of an attention seeker...
I mean I'm dyslexic (apparently) but I don't bang on about it, heck I don't even ask for extra time in my exams as I really don't feel the need. It doesn't really affect me and I don't feel the need to "flaunt" my supposed disability to others for sympathy.

I noticed that there was no ring on her finger so I can't help but think that she hasn't had any in a while...in fact by the look of her I'm thinking she hasn't ever had any...unless people can be attracted to trolls?

Anyways I've probably ranted enough for one day and I should probably do some of my coursework.

...until next time.

28 October 2009

To boldly go where no one has gone before...

A blog (a contraction of the term "weblog") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

That's the definition of a Blog as listed by Wikipedia.

This is the first time I've ever "Blogged" as far as I know so I guess it should be a fairly momentous occasion...however I can't really say I feel the need to pull out the party poppers and funky hats.

To be perfectly honest I don't really know why I decided to start Blogging, it was kind of an impulse decision I made while surfing the net. I guess I also kind of miss the old days, back when I used to host my own website "Word of the Week" which attracted moderate attention from a few friends I had at college. It wasn't much but it was fun.

I don't really expect anyone to read this ever, it's just a place I can go to scribble down my thoughts and give people a glimpse into the life of a madman!

I will warn you now there won't really be any sort of format to my posts they'll be entirely random and most probably nonsensical but hey ho! :P

Anyways, I should probably be getting on with something that is much more important.
